One Night at Flumpty's: Custom Night
6 months ago


Sorry, but I realized that there is no point in this, I am a loser and a failure and I can’t work alone, and there is no point in this. Sorry...



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Eng: Working inventory and updated attack with mini Spamptons (btw CP is Collision Points)

Рус: Рабочий инвентарь и обновлённая атака с мини Спамптонами (кста, CP это Collision Points (Очки столкновения))

Happy 10th, Flumpty.

Flumpty Night

He transcends into infinity and space, he says. He says he will never die in oil.

Custom Night

Haven't really thought about anything special so- happy bday to the egg man from the tomato man!

Feed my pet, he wants to eat