Final Nights 4: Fates Entwined
6 years ago

Game delayed - More info inside

Heya folks, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Final Nights 4 has suffered some delays.

Why you ask?

Well it’s a multitude of reasons so let’s list them.

1. Export issues, we lost about 4 days worth of development time trying to get the testers version of the game to export, this basically ruined our chances or releasing on time already.

2. Bugs, lots of em. Testing itself revealed export as well as actual gameplay bugs that I hadn’t encountered myself, from gamebreaking things like levels not loading in the exported version to smaller stuff like camera jumps and broken fades.

3. Not everything is done yet. There’s no ending cutscenes and no museum, the save system isn’t working beyond night 2 and there are no secrets and easter eggs yet. So implementing all that in 4 days, while fixing all the bugs would be impossible.

4. I’m still not completely happy with the game, it doesn’t quite feel right yet. Playing through it doesn’t feel like a complete experience, it feels like you’re playing it out of order. So I’ll be adding new screens and transitions as well as just adjusting the pacing to make the game feel just right.

So when will we be releasing?

Honestly, I don’t know, I don’t want to set a new release date knowing so little of what tackling all these problems will take, my own home life has also gotten a lot busier now I have a job and moved out, I only have 1 free day a week and can’t stay up until 4am developing anymore.

So yeah, I’d say a vague “end of 2018” as the release date now, more details will follow later.

I appreciate you all and I hope you understand.

In the wise words of Shigeru Miyamoto,

A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.



Next up

Development Update and some news!

Teaser 8 | There are more to set free

Teaser 7 | Stay in the dark

Teaser 5 | S A V E T H E M

Teaser 2 | Developed Photos

Teaser 6 | VW53aWxsaW5nIFNvdWxzIA==

RELEASE! We've released the amazing Final Nights Redux and Knuckles on the gamejolt page! Go download it right now :)!

Teaser 4 | The Truth

Teaser 9 | Too Far Gone

Teaser 3 | Showtime!