Game Goals ->
Im gonna try to get all of the models donr for this game by September, and have the game done by December for a Christmas release.
Completion ->
Models: 04%
Office 63%
Bl_Room 00%
Kitchen 00%
Prty_Room (1) 00%
Prty_Room (2) 00%
Prts_Ser_Room 00%
Arcade 00%
Entry_Room 00%
Kar_Stage_Room 00%
Hllwy 00%
Ven (1) 00%
Ven (2) 00%a
Frogman 20%
F_Frogman 00%
Stan 20%
Karaoke 50%
Dodge_Ball 00%
Endo 100%
Lily 00%
Coding: 00%
(modeling will be done first, so no list yet)
Update Schedule ->
Their will be a new Devlog every 2 weeks displaying my progress with the game. It will most likely be presented in a list format like whats above. Their will still be other devlogs, though they wont contain the list.
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