The TubbyLand Archives - ACT 1

2 years ago

game's at 90% lets goooooo #fnaf #fangame #tubbyland #fnatl #ttla



Next up

New Tubbyland Archives: Act 1 Update: Version 2.6.2!

Finally at a point where I can post screencaps to the gamepage, I'll be doing more as I get the characters programmed.

Hoping to have this ready by the end of this month, but we'll see.

#fnaf #fangame #gsaf

As of today, all of the GSaF cameras are finished! Now I can get to the actually fun stuff lmao

#fnaf #fangame #gsaf

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Announcement Trailer + Anniversary Devlog

Watch your back.

#fnaf #fangame #gsaf

Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

Update 25/05/23. "How am I doing? What am I working on?"

Got a new panorama shader thanks to @Emilmacko and the scrolling in my games has never looked better, it's honestly unnerving not seeing the curve anymore given I'm so used to it at this point. Either way, HUGE upgrade.

#fnaf #gsaf #fangame