Don't Step On Freddy's Balls: Forever (aka balls 3)
4 years ago

Game’s coming out this week



Next up

#BatmanDay Either of these two.

Let's see what my gps says

Quick update, game's still doing good progress rn, almost done with a bonus night rn, don't wanna show much rn as i want to keep stuff a surprise so ye.

Funny rodent game by my friend just came out:…

yeah idk what else to say to promote it, go play it it’s cool.

#FavoriteFanGame cmon isn’t it obvious

Fixing the overlapping issues at the backdoor made me question my sanity but i’m so glad these are fixed now

Great Value Game.

Version 1.2

#MyFavoriteFreddy I think this is him i’m not sure (srry for repost i forgot the realm)