A Light in the Night
9 years ago

Game's Current Progress

Toothpaste Ark again,

As you all know, I recently scratched everything I’ve worked on. The old 3D models, old title screen; everything is being remade because I was not satisfied with the results, it had been tarnished. So long story short, here’s what I finished so far. There’s gonna be some very minor spoilers but hopefully it won’t ruin your experience.

Title Screen: Pretty good-looking so far. Almost finished placing the titans where they’re going to show up without making their facial and bodily features visible because they’re “reclusive”, they don’t want their faces to be shown.

Short Intro: Finished, although it doesn’t look too polished well. I also added a feature where the players can permanently disable the short intro in the title screen so that they won’t have to watch the same thing all over again every time they start the game.

Gameplay: Very bare bones. Still modelling the rooms, the GUI (Graphical User Interface) but it’ll be finished soon.

Story: Partly done…

Graphics: Finished modelling the main characters. Currently working on the props (flashlight, camera, stuff)

Some super secret stuff: Recently finished one scenario. I ain’t spoiling this because I want this to be a surprise. ;)

That’s what’s recently been happening, in honesty. Thanks for sticking around!

Oh yeah, about the teaser video I announced…
Since I only made few progresses within the game, it’s probably going to be delayed, sorry. But don’t worry, it’ll be out in a very while.

Again, I apologize if the waiting is too tedious for ‘ya. This is actually pretty hard to make than I thought it would be.

By the way, thank y’all for 1.2K views! This is actually amazing and I’m quite humbled about it. :D



Next up

part2 12/31/16

part2 12/16/16

Classic Survival stuff

"The fear is crippling you."

look at what you've done

found the machine