11 months ago

gamejolters when the mods add a "twitter mode" and not actually deal with the shitty people and stop banning people who try to actually call the shit people out:

I love this site but holy shit-



Next up

man I love dead estate

Since i fucking love jonathan coulton and we have the same first name i made this shit enjoy ig

I love these three little chaotic goobers

It's been a while since I've posted so I decided to show y'all some artwork I've did in art class in the past weeks

These were stuff from when we did gesture sketches/drawings

I've definitely improved on my drawing, and I'm hoping to draw more again.

I wish i were able to bring this acc back

I finally got my first unusual also here some other items im proud of


"I hope you got your shitting pants on"

Jesus for once I'm proud of my art