9 years ago

Gameplay Review and minor update

Hi folks!

We have finish to bake an small video explaining a bit the current state of the alpha, and some help and directions about how to play it. We are releasing too a small update to solve a bunch of issues some of you are experiencing with the browser or current UI, but it is not a substantial change of the overall game. We are working hard to publish soon a new version that will include some of the new features we think you all are missing, so stay tuned!

Before finish, We want to thank you all for your constructive support and kind words, all that love is going straight to the game :). We want to mention specially who took the time to point out alot of ideas for the game, and also to @BackslashYT and @ScreamScreened which have prepared a couple of early let’s play videos that help us understand much better all the flaws of the current state of the UX. You can check them out at:


Changelog v0.1.2

  • ADDED: Tutorial is now able to be enabled/disabled from options menu

  • UPDATED: Warrants now target by default the selected district

  • UPDATED: Some minor graphical tweaks

  • FIXED: Issue in browser version where you could lose the focus

  • FIXED: Issue when forgetting warrant opened and finishing turn

  • FIXED: Issue with several UI components not being refreshed after finish turn

Love is in the Hair,
The Beardserk Team



Next up

We have been Greenlit!

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

Just a Pico sprite

Back in my art school days I used to ride the 710 COPSA line from Parque Del Plata to Montevideo almost everyday. This is the Marcopolo Viaggio G4 Mercedes Benz model from the late 80s, one of the older bus models that was running on the line.


These are background sprites I've created for a game I'm working on at school ^w^ Click on the post to see how the sprites connect. You won't regret it! (personally, I think it's pretty heheh)

Drawn in Piskel using my mouse. Whaddya think?

Regional Bulbasaur. #Pokemon

brung back my old oc plus a new one

...they don`t have names yet tho

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D