2 months ago

Gamer War Quotes Template.

3 Primary kills - “You can’t face me! unless you have another gun on each paw.”
6 Primary kills - “I am the proto shredder!”
2 Secondary kills - “Better than nothing.”
4 Secondary kills - “How can you kill a little handgun that quickly?”
2 Melee kills (Laser) - “I am going to chop off your huge head!”
4 Melee kills (Laser) - “Well, I am going to have some nice meat after this battle.”
2 Melee kills (Paws) - “I can’t believe I just killed someone like that!”
4 Melee kills (Paws) - “I am going to bury you with my own paws!”
2 Grenade kills - “You know what they say Take cover boys and girls!!
4 Grenade kills - “KABOOM!”

Spy warnings:
Looking 1 - “People, we have a spy on our tails!”
Looking 2 - “Spy!”
Scout - “That Scout is a baddy spy!”
Marine - “That Marine is a baddy spy!”
Pyro - “That Pyro is a baddy spy!”
Mage  - “That Mage is a baddy spy!”
Dual - “That Dual is a baddy spy!”
Melee - “That Melee is a baddy spy!”
Commando - “That Commado is a baddy spy!”
Heavy - “That Heavy is a baddy spy!”
Engineer - “That Engineer is a baddy spy!”
Mortar - “That Mortar is a baddy spy!”
Stalker - “That Stalker is a baddy spy!”
Medic - “That Medic is a baddy spy!”
Sniper - “That Sniper is a baddy spy!”
Spy - “That Spy is not the spy we know!”
Flyer - “That Flyer is a baddy spy!”
Blend - “That Blend is a baddy spy!”

Other Voice Command:
Yes 1 - “Sure!”
Yes 2 - “Yeah!”
No 1 - “Sorry, but no.”
No 2 - “Nope!”
Left - “Go for the left!”
Right - “Go for the right!
Positive 1 - “We did our gang!”
Positive 2 - “We got it! Giggling
Positive 3 - “Yay!”
Negative 1 - “Oh… Did I really mess that up?”
Negative 2 - “I am sorry that I let you down…”
Negative 3 (Uncensored) - “Oh shit!”
Negative 3 (Censored) - “Oh shoot!”
Help 1 - “Guys! I need help over here!”
Help 2 (Uncensored) - “Can you help my butt here!”
Help 2 (Censored) - Can you help my ass here!”
Calling Medic 1 - “MEDIC!!!”
Calling Medic 2 - “Hey, Doc! I am over here!”
Calling Medic 3 (If Archfox is on the team) - “Hey, Archie! I am over here!”
Calling Medic 4 (If Archfox is on the team) - “ARCHFOX!!!”
Luring Medic 1 - “Follow me, doc.”
Luring Medic 2 (If Archfox is on the team) - “Follow me, Archie.”
Sniper Warning - “Watch out! Sniper!”
Landmine Warning - Watch out! Linemines!”

Physical Noises:
Jumping - “Grunting
Throwing punched - “Grunting
Landing - “Grunting
Low Pain (None-Sharp) - “Grunting
Low Pain (Sharp) - “Groning
Low Pain (Death) - “Whimpering
Medium Pain (None-Sharp) - “Groning
Medium Pain (Sharp) - “Whimpering
Medium Pain (Death) - “Yeaping
High Pain (None-Sharp) - “Whimpering
High Pain (Sharp) - “Yeaping
High Pain (Death) - “Screaming
Low Height Drop - “Whimpering
High Height Drop - “Screaming
Burning by fire - “Screaming

Soft Counter 1 - “You don’t wanna mess with this protogen. Or I will come after you.”
Soft Counter 2 - “You know what they say: Pick someone on their own size.”
Soft Counter 3 - “Laughing
Soft Counter 4 - “Giggling
Soft Counter 5 - “Got them! Laughing
Soft Counter with Assist - “Yeah! Teamwork!”
Hard Counter 1 - “Laughing
Hard Counter 2 - “You can’t defeat this protogen!!”
Hard Counter 3 - “YEAH! That’s how I do it!”
Hard Counter 4 - “Giggling
Hard Counter 5 - “Think Fast, Pal!”
Revenge Counter - “Hello! Greenstar’s back!”
Revenge Counter 2 - “I’m back!”
Revenge Counter 3 - “Hello again!”
Revenge Counter 4 - “Do you really think you could kill me?”

Low Speed 1 - “Huh. Just nice and slow.”

Low Speed 2 - “Okay. Just going slow like any other civilians do.”
High Speed 1 - “Who’s faster now, Aleena? Droxy? And anyone?”
High Speed 2 - “WHOOOOOOO!!”
High Speed 3 (Uncensored) - “I am Sonic now, bitches!”
High Speed 4 (Censored) - “I am Sonic now, dudes!”
Jumping - “WHOOOOOO!!”

Using “Dash-Boosts” (Toggle) - “Yonk! Zink! Bang! Bonk!”
Using a “Mini Air Turbine” (Active) - “Flight zone here!”
Using a “Shockwave Kick” (Active) - “Take this: My shockey feet!”
Using “Speed-Demon” Lev Low (Killstreak) - “Gotta go fast!”
Using “Speed Demon” Lev High (Killstreak) - “Come on! Try to catch me!”
Using “Ultra Shockwave” (Killstreak) (Uncensored)  - “Time to send your asses into the sky!”
Using “Ultra Shockwave” (Killstreak) (Censored) - “Time to send your butts into the sky!”

Special Weapons:
Minigun - “Minigun?! Hell yeah!!”
Hero Sword - “I am the hero now!”
Prime Pulse Rifle - “Time for some prime cut meat! Laughing

Mission Opening - “Alright, let’s go, guys!”
Mission Complete - “Yeah! Mission Complete!”
Meet Greenstar - “Hello! I am Star the Wolf here! I am one of the super marines in the Cristal Forces. And I am also pretty well-known to the group. With my two dual wielding guns. And I have back up stuff like rifles. But, Here is the main point. you must be warned… The Greenstar protogen is now out on the battlefield! Giggling

UAV - “Get an UAV in the air.”
Counter UAV - “Get a Counter UAV in the air.”
Advanced UAV - “Get an Advanced UAV in the air.”
Missile-Strike - “Requesting Missile-Strike.”
Rigged Drone - “Deploying the R-Drone.”
Smokescreen - “Cover the battlefield with Smokescreen.”
Airstrike - “I need an Airstrike right here.”
Assault Chopper - “Requesting Assault Chopper.”
Interceptors - “Bring in the Interceptors.”
Care Package - “Requesting Care Package in my area.”
Special Weapon Crate - “Drop a special weapon in my area.”
Jetpack - “Drop a jetpack down.”
Minigun Assault Chopper - “Requesting Minigun Chopper.”
Death-Storm - “Being in the Death-Storm.”

(You can edit these and turn them into your own Gamer War Quotes, I made these examples for Star.)



Next up

You’re in a slasher movie but Gamer War SFX.

My upcoming video of my playthrough of Super Mario 64 B3313. Also Happy Mar10 day! You can visit me in my stream right here: https://streamyard.com/qbhxwjhtc5.

Happy Birthday @NightmareSonicFan2007 ! I made a character concept of you in Gamer War. And you are maybe going to be the best heavy class in the game.

Freddygamer / Freddy (Knight of the Goat)

Cristela (the God of Imaginary)

I made Y.A.T. (Aka @Cute_Aquamarine_Robot_Girl_Fox ) in Gamer War style.

The Criztel Forces!!

Gamer war's progressionist team force

My next cover. Cutesy Billy (Silly Bill but M_BF and BF sing it)

The Sniperbleeder (Aka @thesniper_117 )! He is a goat hybrid cat, with a sniper rifle. He looks similar to my OC because of the bloodshot eyes and black limbs.

The Lecked newer Final Boss

Guys, I got some news. I am now officially canceling Jolly the Joy of Creation sense it's a combination of my two favorite fangames. But the modern FNaF aura is coming and I replacing that game with this game... Overnight.