4 years ago

Gbeu: *Exists*

Volcano: get in here you little piece of crap I wanna torture you with falling rocks and spears and lava for all eternity, here's a mirror you can use to defend yourself from 2 objects oh and here you're a bigger target now screw you you're gonna die now LOL HA-HA SUCKS TO BE YOU!

(i like the game and dont mean to crap talk it i just though "hey dis good meem")



Next up

does this look good for the pistol i can't tell if the thumb is right or not

strep throat

is there a way to manually reorder steam games in a collection instead of this alphabetical shit



Hey oof

what the actual fuck google

how mario feels after pushing a disabled child down stairs:

I never thought I had 100k likes. Thank you all, this inspires me to be more active

dont mess with my homies