Horde of Viscount (Demo)
7 days ago

Getting all of the Loot in Horde of Viscount can be difficult. Here's a minimalist guide to get everything in Crimson Cove on Heat 0! #hordeofviscount #ActionRPG #retrogaming #gameboy #metroidvania



Next up

Horde of Viscount v1.30 released

- Knife Dash moves you 2 tiles instead of 1.

- Cliffside Climb region unlocked!

- Subweapons renamed to show what they do.

Let's celebrate with this video of the World Record for GrimeBone on Heat 2 at Any%

+ New Game has various difficulty Equips available + New Abandon Town

+ Volcano+Kingdom Castle is fully explorable

+ Lasha at higher affinity has more menu options including changing Heat, teleporting, treasure completion

Opening this month with working towards the final stretch of finishing Horde of Viscount. In celebration here's a speedrun of Mushroom Cloud on Heat 1 for the Any% category: Loot: 0, Time: 13, Damage: 2, Subweapons: 6

#metroidvania #actionrpg

An early release to celebrate our new players from Anime NJ++

- More treasure in all different Heat levels for every stage and bosses!

- Lasha can warp you and show you missing treasures.

- Tombstones for Bosses

- New Satiation system

Horde of Viscount v1.31 released!

- Added new Subweapon Refill

- Widened window of attack cancel with Subweapons

- Smithy is cheaper

- Subweapons pierce through walls without Equips

To celebrate, here's a run of Crimson Cove Heat 2 No Damage

Celebrating the New Year and release of v1.28 of Horde of Viscount with the Any% WR for Toxic Jungle on the highest difficulty! Be sure to check out the Abandon Town, Kingdom Castle, and Tepid Volcano regions! Here at https://hidash.itch.io/horde-of-viscount

Horde of Viscount v1.29 is out now!

- When building platforms, it will use your held loot FIRST and then your stored loot!

- Added Storm Cloud Crater stage! Find it in Volcano!

To celebrate, here is a World Record for Any% Corrupt Woods Heat 1!

Stuck on a stage? Just join the Horde of Viscount Discord and ask! https://discord.gg/enbVAQBD We also have events where the viewers participate! In the meantime, here is a guide for Mushroom Cloud pm Heat 1 All Loot

#actionrpg #metroidvania #retrogaming

Since I'm in the testing phase for the new Cliffside Climb region, I figured now would be the best time to share another speedrun world record!  Enjoy this speedy Corrupt Woods on Heat 2 run!

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