Feeling Cloudy (Early-Access)
1 year ago

Getting really close to finishing 0.7! I've updated a bunch of sprites in recent days. I also made the camera a lot less clunky! Honestly very happy with the progress I've made.

I think the game is starting to be about halfway done!



Next up

Option UI has been reworked and now I've been fully reworking the climbing mechanic (Vines and such)

It's pretty much done and a new update is probably coming soon!

Aaand with the climbing changes comes new silly sprites like this one:

Feeling Cloudy 0.7.0 update!

New boss, levels and more!

Change-log and thoughts below:

I made a new thumbnail for my game Feeling Cloudy!

What do you think? <3

A few old boss designs I worked on. The designs were too unintuitive and honestly just not fun so I ended up cutting them. They were good practice though, I think.

Might still use the sprites for NPCs or something!

Feeling Cloudy 0.6 Update Out Now! Thoughts and change-log below!

0.6 should be coming within a week! After that I'll fix some bugs, polish a few things and then it's off to adding new stuff! I hope you all like the update when it comes out!

Made a new background for my game Feeling Cloudy! What do you think? :D

In the last update to my game Feeling Cloudy, I updated some old sprites! Here's one good example of that :>

What do you think?

Feeling Cloudy 0.5 update out now!

Change log, thoughts and more:

Trying my best to add as much polish and new content as I can before 0.6 comes out on Friday! Currently trying to polish up one more level!

Some other stuff I've worked on in the past week:

- New camera system

- Level improvements

- New UI