3 years ago

Getting some things off my chest.

I'm going to be honest here, and just come out and say it.

Recently, my mental health has been spiralling down the sh*tter. There's a lot going on, but really it can all be summed up in one word; Chronophobia.

The fear of the future.

My ambitions are rather high. And although for the most part I believe that they can be achieved, what I'm worried about is time. These projects take so long to make, and I'm just worried that by the time my stuff gets out there, no one will care anymore. That by the time it's out, people will have moved on.

It's been making me feel really depressed, not to mention it's had me going at peak stress. My entire career on the internet feels like a race against the clock. I feel like every minute I spend not working is wasting precious time. I'm holding myself at gunpoint.

I'm driving myself insane.

And for that reason I'm going to take a break, or at least slow things down a little, which seems really counterproductive, but hey, the best way to overcome fears is exposure therapy.

I hope you understand what I've been going through. Thanks for reading.

Sincerely, your mentally unstable game dev,


1 comment


Next up


haha underdeveloped mental maturity go brrrrr

"hey i have a great movie pitch, so basically bugs bunny kidnaps michael jordan and they have to battle it out in a space themed basketball game"

"jim are you high again?"

"lol yeah"

i've been read like a book

This is the largest contribution I have ever made to the internet. I'm not sure whether to be honoured or concerned lol.

From a knowyourmeme article: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wallace-hammering






welp, we had a good run, time to pack things up