
17 days ago

Getting Somewhere.

Hello everyone!

Yes, the game is still very much alive! ( You'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise though. )

With University slowly starting to slow down a little bit, with me getting some more time outside of classes and the work for them, it's allowed me a little more time to actually cut into this beast, as well as updating the game page! (The changes of which should hopefully be up on the page by today or tomorrow!)

While I can't guarantee that updates will come more frequently, I'll do what I can to actually make some serious progression, and once I've got more worth showing, I'll show it off to you all here!

Thanks again, everyone!

Before I go, however, I would like to quickly shout-out a game being made by our team-member @Timezone-Maniac-Studios , being Five Nights at Sonic's: Altered Genesis! Their game is shaping up to look really good, and it'd mean a great deal if you could show your support! Thanks again everyone, and I'll see you all soon!

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Next up

I‘ve brought Percy Poodle to my Uni class today.

He’s somehow become a Wizard and the lesson hasn’t even started.

I suppose this makes Null Space not just an endless void anymore, hm? ;)


He's listening to peak.

We're getting somewhere.

Been a bit quiet around these parts, hasn't it?

How’s your Christmas been, everyone?


Who said Halloween has to end?