28 days ago



Next up

During next months, in october there will be something special with the status report of deltarune Susie's Story ch1.

So far there isn't much to reveal, the game's systems are being worked on, some areas are being expanded to explore the dark world.

Chaos, Chaos!!

Status Report - 22.04.2024

#DRSS #StatusReport #April

Good night to my heavenly stars!

We have made small progress with the store system for the Chapter 1, @TeamByMyself has done a excellent job adding everything that was available to buy and sell in seam's shop.

#godot #dev #drss

Top-Supporters during this week!

A small progress with the bullets, made by our partner / member: @TeamByMyself ( programmer)

Happy monday, how are you all in this start of week?

today there is a lot of progress about the chapter 1, the sub-bosses are getting a good developement with the design and the areas a little good with the tilesets, locations, edition etc.