13 days ago

#GJAsks Content warning of course!!!!!

I'm not playing anything right now tho.



Next up

so. this is part 15 and 16 combined

I noticed a bug where it would kinda restart the video but not in the way you'd think.


#FanArtFriday There ya' go.

Content Warning 14

My editing skills have upgraded to level 3.


this was my best shot #FanArtFriday

Content warning part 13.

same effort as last time.

Content warning 20 (YIPPEEEE)

I hope this can make u laugh once again :)

Remember bad cartoons from part 11? WE'RE BACK WITH CONTENT WARNING 21!!!!!!

Content warning but with 17, 18, and 19

I put a lot of effort into it

Content warning part 12

This time I did actually put effort into editing...
