3 years ago


go below

If everyone was vegan we would need more farms meaning animals would have less room, and adventually killing everyone since the farms, And people that cant be vegan, they will die! :D so will the animals.. So shes just causing what shes "preventing" Not to mention she doesnt try and go save animals, no she bullys kids online (and even sextualized and grommed a 16 year old :D and then just says its "interracting") so fuck you vegan racist homophobic veganphobic (shes been very rude to other vegans and saying some vegans are not vegans cause they dont agree with her or do what she does ) teacher



Next up


Charles Lee ray

ive been here all along

when the vegan teacher gets banned again

The hallway of madness.

got some weird early footage here

BRO, almost 300 followers...! Thats... kinda awsome...!

Finally free from schools clutches...maybe I'll ACTUALLY release a game!!!..

Wow, this game is two years old?!? and it isnt even out?? That just wont do, will it?