1 year ago

God help me

(Read article for why)

Is it just me or is Mega Man Zero lore super confusing? I feel like Capcom should make a sequel game or something that covers the Elf Wars so people can actually understand all this stuff.



Next up

@rusty_the_raccoon reminded me I haven’t done a crappost dump in a while, here’s this

Imma be honest, this little thing has been really fun the last few months.

Of course, if we’re talking consoles I grew up playing, the Wii takes it.


I’m a little late on this bit of news (that’s what I get for not checking my socials, but I thought I’d share anyways.

m0d, the creator of the major demoscene forum The Mod Archive, died the other day.

When Dr Wily goes HARDSTYLE


The Cacodemon in Doom is one of my all time favorites. He looks a little out of place compared to the other hellspawn. Getting fireballed ain’t much fun though.

Streaming today 10/17 at Noon Central Time on Twitch and YouTube! Follow, Subscribe, turn on notifications to come hang out and celebrate VGM and more!

Another rando wip.

Using Thunder Force IV instruments I borrowed from a friend. Will be finished at some point!

Also if you’re wondering why the world (or at least Furnace here) looks red, it’s because I changed my UI colors a bit out of boredom.

Streaming today 1/9 at noon central time on Twitch and YouTube! Lets hang and jam to your favorite vgm tunes!

This made me snort when I read this