11 months ago

Gonna throw this in here and run

(Because I never listed em, here we go)

Legacy I:
All character variations were basically me so no info revealed.


The Shadowstorm alternate gang:

Species: an unknown mechanical species hailing from a world unknown
Titles: Chosen/Bane Of Gods
Faction: Outlawed
  Single-handedly killed a god in OG lore, two endings are existent. Real ending: got trashed into a diff world. Alternate ending: cursed to wander the worlds until either the end of time or when they die.
Appears in: Pre-Act I: Origins.

Species: human
Titles: Descendant/True Savior
Faction: Heralds
  A fighter, with a grudge against her brother. In her lore, she is the sister to the Shadow Descendant, (not just a clone like in SF3 lore) came to be a cyborg from Lazerstorm (hence the similar names)
Appears in: Shadowstorm lore Acts I-III, Hunter and Hunted 1.0 and 2.0, Apocalypse side-lore Acts I and II (God forbid the polish guy from simping for an OC I made) and Corruption Lore pre-rescript.

Hunter Shadowstorm
Species: human
Titles: so far none
Faction: Guardians, Interdimensional Alliance, (from the lore Alliance Uprising) ally to the Netherborn (Remnant and Hunter: eaters of everything)
About Hunter, not much is known. She appeared from a wormhole in the Alliance Uprising timeline(mash, it's not only one timeline thanks to Ancient) then disappeared later on. She next appears in the LW lore, making up pals with Remnant (Gold's OC, half-Enderman, half-Piglin Brute) and the two started eating everything, including Parasites.
Appears in: Alliance Uprising, LW lore, Hunter and Hunted 3.0 (RIP canon-accurrate characters)

A-79 (2021)
Species: human/cyborg
Title: The Vengeful
Faction: none
A failed creation, seeking revenge on their creator. An alternate version of Shadowstorm, fused with a set of mechanical armor, and on the rampage. Not much is known about them.
Appears in: Shadowfall: Legacy, Two Of A Matter revamp (as a side character)

Shadow Hunter (2021)
Species: android
Title: none
Faction: none
Shadow Hunter is one to be understood in goals. (or if I was to be right, algorithms)
She is an unbreakable force of defense, programmed with the integration of the memories of a fallen warrior, only to serve one main goal: hold back the spreading scourge of all working androids by an algorithm making her unable to be infected by it. Her secondary goal, however, is to breach the Lost Timeline and avenge the fall of her origin.
Appears in: Breached Worldlines, Shadowstorm's lore Act II, Our Final Stand, Last Three Days (as a side character)

Eleventh Sister:
Species: human
Titles: Order's Lost Blade, The Reality Warper (in Hunter and Hunted)
Faction: Order of Seventeen
Eleventh Sister is a mysterious character. She is an alternate of Shadowstorm created in an energy explosion following up an assassination attempt, gaining the energy from the energy shot that was meant to kill Shadowstorm. She is a reality warper since her creation, an 'inverted' version of Shadowstorm, as she likes being in teams, unlike the lone wolf Shadowstorm. She joined the Order of Seventeen in the early days when Reaper, self-claimed leader of the Order of Seventeen called for help against 25 ancient demons broken loose from hell. Later on, she became the mentor to Ancient, when the young reality warper joined the Order. She disappeared previous to Hunter and Hunted, ultimately dying in mentioned lore to the enemy team, triggering Ancient's objective of finding her, unaware that she died.
Appears in: Ancient's lore Act II, Hunter and Hunted, Left Hanging (mentioned only), Alliance Uprising (mentioned only)

Species: human
Title: none
Faction: none
Outlaw is a weird alternate of Shadowstorm. Not much is known about her, except the fact that she came from a timeline different, and has a formerly malicious ghostly ally.


Ancient alternate gang: (theres alot)

Ancient (Canonical):
Species: human
Titles: Order's Blade, Voidborn
Factions: Order of Seventeen, Void Council
Ancient is a reality warper capable of jumping across realities, manipulating environmental elements, the overall laws and rules of a fight, weaponry of both themself and their opponent(s) and messing with the code of a world at a level, making them able to basically just do a /respawn or erase someone's code, sending them to the Void. They have low HP, which is countered by an amulet rendering them invulnerable until it is destroyed, disabled or weakened enough, mid attacking capabilities, damage cap, and a second form that may activate when they are extremely close to death; rendering them invulnerable to most attacks and giving them powerful abilities using Dark Magic. Ancient is soulless, rendering them unable to feel. They are neutral, judging both what counts as good and bad based on all actions. Ancient stopped aging after losing their world, becoming immortal, except if killed, but they can return from death. They have four notable and known deaths in their lore and where they appeared.
Appears in: Ancient's lore Acts I-IV, Left Hanging, Hunter and Hunted 2.0, LW lore (mentioned only), Apocalypse side-lore both parts and finale, Legacy III finale, Vengeful Hunt, World's Fall legacy lore (means it's outdated but is being reworked), Corruption lore and its followup, Snow Void

OG Ancient:
Titles: Shadow of the Past, Bane of the Corruption
Faction: Heralds (formerly), none
OG is... to be exact, the first interpretation of Ancient used in old Corruption Lore. They are not soulless, unlike Canonical, but they possess quite the same abilities as Canonical did in Act II, meaning they have low HP, the amulet in full same functionality, mid attack damage, and the same arsenal of reality warping abilities, minus Dark Magic gained from a Void being, as Canonical got that in Act III. OG is quite a troll (as to why prop hunt happened in Alliance Uprising).
Appears in: Corruption Lore Chapter I, Alliance Uprising, initial Snow Void concept.

(God forbid me from saying anything about the third variant ever existent)

Corruptionswap Ancient:
Species: human
Titles: Fallen Hope
Faction: Corruption
Lost to the Grey Corruption during a mess in the alternate timeline to Corruption Lore. All characters were changed up drastically. (except the lore's double-sider) Ancient lost their reality warping power in this case, they are sorrowed as despite being apart of a hivemind, they are slightly aware of what they are, being forced to slaughter people before they get corrupted sometimes.
Appears in: Corruptionswap Legacy, Corruptionswap, Apocalypse side-lore (dragged out of the rift by an evil guy)

Ancient's Shadow Form projection:
Species: none/Shadow Energy (it's a sentient thing in canon so no species)
Title: Order's Blade, The Shadow
Faction: Order of Seventeen
The Shadow Projection, utilized by Canonical Ancient during three times they were dead, (acting from within the code) is a battle unit wielding the same traits as Act II Canonical did, except for being unable to use reality warping, compensated by full immunity to any other damage type than Shadow Energy damage (so roughly 2 of my OCs can damage the projection, who are seen on Ancient's side all times)
Appears in: Corruption Lore, Apocalypse side-lore part II

Unwanted Alliance Ancient:
Species: human
Title: Corruption-Breaker, Order's Blade
Factions: Order of Seventeen, Landwatchers
Unwanted Alliance is a side-lore yet to be explained, it will never appear fully. Ancient made an alliance with a being hunted by other people, to survive the Overseer's hunt for them (Overseer is another one of Gold's OCs, a formless, powerful humanoid reality warper that appeared throughout Snow Void) and to possibly make a living. Unfortunately the lore was cut short when it began.
Appears in: Unwanted Alliance

World's Fall (revamped):
Species: human
Titles: Shadow Scholar
Factions: Heralds
World's Fall Ancient is basically Ancient before shit hit the fan. In this state, they aren't a reality warper, though they utilize Shadow Energy in combat and still have low HP, compensated by the OG Amulet system they had. (energy recharge, reforming and Rage) World's Fall Ancient is capable of feeling, in later stages they are sorrowed as the Corruption destroys their world. They lose their right forearm to their mentor taken by the Corruption when the breakout begins (in the revamped lore)
Appears in: World's Fall, mentioned all throughout Ancient's lore when Ancient remembers their world and how their hunt for the Corruption begun

Jailbreak Ancient:
Species: human
Titles: Patron of the Undeserving, Order's Blade
Faction: same as Canonical
Jailbreak Ancient is basically Act III Canonical in an alternate timeline where they broke out of a dark ruler's keep, saving all innocent people on the run. Not much is known about them otherwise.
Appears in: The Jailbreak

<file missing>
No information yet.


The Legacy IV: War Dawns gang:

Fifth (original)
Species: human
Title: Scavenger
Faction: Scavenger Codex
Original Fifth resembles that of the coming Legacy IV Fifth, but this version of him is the full one from the OG Scavenger Codex lore. Fifth is a scavenger, who allied up with 11 past rival scavengers over a scrap heap. Fifth works for basically anyone within reason of building and repairing. He disappeared from his world in a cataclysmic battle against a god with powers far from stable, his fate thought to be unknown.
Appears in: Scavenger Codex, War Dawns (mentioned only)

War Dawns Fifth:
Species: human
Title: Scavenger
Factions: Scavenger Codex, New World, The Hideout (ally)
War Dawns Fifth is what remains of him after a personality split, during which OG Fifth was split into the current Fifth and Scourge, the dark counterpart. Not much is known of him, except that he does not remember much about who he was, as his past memories are split between him and Scourge. Fifth remains a scavenger taking up jobs for anyone, except when he learns of the Dark Armada's threat.
Appears in: War Dawns

Species: human/cyborg
Titles: Ally To None, Darkbreaker, The Traitor
Factions: Dark Armada (formerly), none
Scourge is the mysterious dark counterpart to Fifth. His past was lost due to him being brainwashed twice in his Dark Armada era, to make him serve better, but he deserted after realizing the dark truth behind the leader of the Dark Armada and took up on having no team. He observes the battle between New World and the Hideout, and Dark Armada. Scourge has acquired serious augmentations before his Dark Armada era, making him able to hack into literally any mainframe (he attempted to hack the Order's Archives once before, but was repelled by Ancient) and use of technology with higher awareness. Scourge is constantly haunted by flashbacks incomplete, from his past.
Appears in: Legacy III finale, War Dawns, Of The Traitor

Species: humanoid creature, bit different than humans but looks mostly identical
Title: The Tormented
Faction: New World
Glassbane received his name from the fact that his main enemy uses glass-based weapons. He was tortured for years in the Dark Armada's keep, then he was saved by the Rat. Glassbane's injuries are too serious to ever fully heal, making him unable to fight back directly against the Dark Armada. Glassbane ows a debt to The Hideout, and stationed himself as a sentry of New World in the mountains surrounding New World's headquarters.

The Rat (formerly other Ancient, changed due to name being equal with the reality warper Ancient):
Species: human
Title: the Runaway
Faction: The Hideout (leader)
The Rat is a formidable leader, and enemy of the Dark Armada. He escaped from prison due to the warden's slacking off, avoiding and poisoning the warden later on. He vows to end the suffering of children left on streets, thus why he made The Hideout, as a group of street rats fighting with words for their life. They are stationed underground, in the water pipeline system below the town controlled by the Dark Armada, as a reminder that sometimes opposition is not avoidable even in protected environments.
Appears in: War Dawns, Rat's Cage


Other known Order members:

Species: human/hellspawn
Title: Order's Leader
Faction: Order of Seventeen
Reaper himself is a fusion of a hellspawn and a human. He is capable of shadow travelling, necromancy, to an extent, and delivering strong fire-infused attacks. He roams the fields in a fight, armed with his scythe, the Netherstone Fragment. Reaper is a reality warper with insane fighting skills, though he is weak to sunlight, which he blocks out with his signal hooded robes, which bears the sign of the Order of Seventeen. He has two alternate forms, a human form in which he has no access to his Hellspawn abilities but he's immune to the weakness to sunlight, and a massive fire monster, aka Hellspawn form, in which he can use all his Hellspawn abilities without tiring out. Reaper's main form is a mashup of human and Hellspawn features, identifiable by the burning orange eyes he has. He shields himself from the sun in his main form and his Hellspawn form, despite being made of fire (as the fire in his home realm is different than the light the Sun emits)
Appears in: Corruption Lore, Left Hanging, Ancient's lore Act II, Corruptionswap, Apocalypse side-lore (mentioned only), Hunter and Hunted 1.0, and 2.0 (mentioned only)


Fan-lore characters that don't fit any of the cathegories:

<name unknown>
Species: Seraph/Rust World abomination
Title: The Banished One
Faction: <canonical name unknown> Rusted
The Banished One used to be a normal Seraph until a they disappeared in a heavy Temporal Storm. They reappeared ages later, twisted by the machine god behind the Rust World, leading forth armies of Drifters from the other dimension. Their goal is to spread temporal instability to the rest of the world they are in, and to ensure that the machine god rules over the rest of the world's inhabitants, be it remaining human Traders and Villagers, animals, or other Seraphs. Their enemy is the Forestborn, another Seraph.
Appears in: Rusted Pact, Undying

Species: Seraph
Title: The Forestborn (he appeared in a forest)
Faction: none
Aerakhim is never called by his name (except by the Banished One/machine god possessing them) but rather as the Forestborn. He appeared in a forest out of nowhere, possessing the same abilities that other Seraphs do; the ability to return from death, and the ability to sense temporal instability.
Appears in: Undying



Next up

Scene 6- art based on the Malefactor class introduction, "Terrible things are done at the heart of despair. She is gone, but you remain."

How I imagined Bearfirth from Story Excerpt-The Morning. The original Malefactor.

The two different types of shrimp

Screenshot taken and cropped from a chat with a fellow member of my school's choir in Messenger

I recently drew these two

Chad Malefactor and silly Bronze Locust

And the full page progress. Not much improved on scene 4, will make it sometime later.

Still cooking...

Progress with the sketch

Scene 4 is how the Forestborn died prior to the comic's start, the character behind the killing blow won't be revealed and isn't canon to Undying at all other than the death. It's none of the characters in my lores, too.

Made more progress with the fifth scene.

He was not seen without the Malefactor Whitewood Mask before.

Working on a lil something (Colonial Marine cosplay from Aliens, making my own OC's armor)

Armor decals based on the ones in Aliens Fireteam Elite


The comic's first page is being worked on, rough sketch state

There isn't much to it, just two traditional art scenes left unfinished

Work-in-progress ref sheet for the Forestborn

Really interesting character in his own way.