(CANNED!!) Sonic.EXE The Black Bloody
3 years ago

Good and bad news

Well, the good news is that I have the source code of my game again :D, and in 3 days I won't be on hiatus anymore ;D

The bad news is that I lost some things from the source code because by accident I lost the source code and I couldn't recover it (I deleted it by memory fata) and what happened, I lost the screen title, the substance, and ect. I will redo all this again WHEN the 4 levels of green hill will be ready.

Thanks for reading this! ^^



Next up


Looks who knows how to use Blender noow...:)


I know the reason why the people puts this

Starting from scratch the sprites!

I'II use this level for Hill Zone guys!!

well, hi again

New ScreenShots!! 😃😄😁😀