6 days ago

Good morning guys

Buenos días gente

Bom dia Gente

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#GJAsks my most anticipated game? well, it's sonic x shadow Generations or Mario & Luigi Brothership

¿Mi juego más esperado? Bueno, es Sonic x Shadow Generations o Mario & Luigi Brothership.

Rainbow dash so elegant, what is she listening to?!

tablero del arco iris que elegante, ¡¿Qué está escuchando?!

Rainbow dash tão elegante, o que será que ela ta ouvindo?!

English : mario and his companion saving the world

Español : mario y su compañero salvando el mundo

Portuguese : mario e o seu companheiro salvando o mundo

He’s so adorable 😊

English : Mario and Luigi going to the past and the future

Español : Mario y Luigi viajando al pasado y al futuro

Portuguese : Mario e Luigi indo pro passado e pro futuro

Quick! Give @Hasannn his chicken tenders with garlic sauce.

English : Pikachu is really cute

Español : pikachu es muy lindo

Portuguese : Pikachu é bem fofinho

#SonicFav It's very radical and a lot of fun

Es muy radical y muy divertido.

é muito radical e muito divertido demais

I think i like bad lucy :]


#GJAsks What game would I like to see remade? It would be Super Mario Bros 2.

¿Qué juego me gustaría ver rehecho? Sería Super Mario Bros 2.

o jogo que eu gostaria de ver refeito? Seria o Super Mario Bros 2