2 years ago

Got got a special Aurascope update for you all today! Super excited to show off the game's opening cutscene! Tell me what you think! πŸ‘€




Next up


Be sure to add us to your wishlist and spread the word to drum up support! Here's a little sizzle reel of what's coming to the next major demo. Thank you to guys so much for the amazing support!


I got more Aurascope content to show off this whole week! It's a small detail but I added color personalization to the options menu with full HSV, RGB, and HEX support! Your color will be applied to the Aurascope too!🎨

The Aurascope itself has gotten an upgrade and gone gridless! Breaking this limitation allows for much more creative puzzles and new Aurapoint mechanics!

Trace is getting a new move the in Aurascope! Check out the all new Aura Pulse in action! Use it to attack enemies, interact with objects, absorb items, or even as a quick jump boost!

Introducing Stella and Dr. Nova! These two are very prominent characters that'll play major roles in Aurascope!

Day 3 of the weeklong Aurascope update spree! Today I have a new little baddie to show off! πŸ‘€

I'm nearing the end of my weeklong Aurascope update streak. I'm working on something large to show off tomorrow so be on the look out! For day 6 here's a better look at the Petal Plaza HUB World. πŸ‘€

Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating! I am so thankful I can develop this indie game for you guys and bring fun to the table! Wishing all of you a day of warmth, joy, and cherished moments with loved ones! 🍁

When it comes to Aurascope we just want to keep going BIGGER and BETTER! Here's a look at a brand new mechanic for the Aurascope! ⭐

If you need a break from Aurascope's adventure mode head on over to the battle mode! Check out all the different game types and options to customize your battles! You'll have a blast playing this side mode!