Well, as a new high school student, yeah there's a difficulty leap for homework and exams.
But well, my parents didn't expect it. I'm sure AF.
Chinese: 86/150 (What a shame I GOT A D)
Math: 96/150 (C... bad)
English: 135/150 (S, but seen better. / C.RANK 1)
Physics: 80/100 (A, didn't quite expect it)
Chemistry: 68/100 (C+, sorta bad but it's normal)
History: 68/100 (C+, quite normal for me, actually I got C often back in the jhs days)
Because of my bad grades at Chem & History, my parents asked me to give up coding. But you know what? @#!% IT! I may not learn it at school, but I WILL learn it anyway.
Oh, about my school life?
It's a lot amazing if I can focus on my homework after school and finish it in an instant. (Not that kind of instant!) But I somehow just can't, and I often stays up at night till about 3am. Send help.
But I've got a lot of free time this night! No evening study event = 5 hrs of free time before I must go back to the shelter in school. Yes I am a residual student now.
Hasn't really bought Pizza Tower yet but I love it
I've improved a lot in FNF! I'm thinking of recording a video to show how good I'm now at it.
The video may be blurry but don't mind it!
I lose the chance of getting on GJ on Tues/Thurs/Fri now, thanks to my parents or my "bad" grade.
Have 8k pts., you're doing wonderfully these days!
Alright, Cream off!