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made this funny peeper in a whiteboard some days ago.

he eats, cheese balls.

and creepily captures cocky cucks and cuts them in half with knifes made of cheese sticks.

hes billybobs secruity guard at night at his dairy store.

im brave]

im have balls

theres a fire in my


the fog is coming

feel the amazing grace

dear Gen A users...


modded character tierlist

based on

(in the case of my mod) how well i designed them

(in the case of other mods) how well they work in game

highlights from marcel's newest whiteboardfox.

fun(ish with a sorta touch of unsanitary yet odd) fact, i once partially ended up on a encyclopedia dramactica page. the image broke tho.

not sure how to feel, its a mix of, things... lmao.