Deltarune: Kris Vs Noelle

5 months ago

Great news!

Finally, after hundreds of years, I am happy to announce that I am finally done the game! It's not PERFECT but I love it. I am glad to finally have it done. I tried my best to make it as good as possible. There shouldn't be any problems with the game, I made sure of it hundreds of times. I hope you enjoy the game person reading this.

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Progress update

Ruh roh, I just tried exporting the project to test it with the GameJolt API and I got an error. 😬

The game seems to REALLY love choosing the alternate background for the main menu screen.

An update on KVN. (Help, I am being held hostage and is forced to make this.)

Somewhere, out there, this is the Susie we know and love.

Bit of an update.

The log in feature now works!

Found some Spamton NEO talk sprites

Okay, so I tried making the SOUL look actually frozen by making the ice look transparent or whatever. Is this good? Or should I stick with the old version, which does not look as realistic.