If Baldi's Basics was a GameBoy game.
2 years ago

great news! gb studio 3.0 was released 2 months ago, (yea i completely missed it) and that means that i'll get to add more!



Next up

new baldi appearence script is going great so far

Hmm, that looks familiar...


+New text Boxes!

just found this video i apparently recorded in 2023 randomly on my pc

Okay! Field trips it is! Also, I have some exciting news to share! I've been adding some more stuff, and there are now multiple subjects; as well as new rooms!

Also, after the game is finished; I have plans to release a Gameboy Color version of the rom!

ducks invaded my pc (real not fake)

i did this last week...

so, what do you think?

new tiger cage sprite

hi gamers, as you can see, i have redone the bully's t-shirt, so it actually looks decent now