Name: Green Apple Puppy know as Sally, Apple Puppy And Green Lime Apple Puppy
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Friends: Blue, Periwinkle, Pete the cat, Strawberry cookie, Prune juice cookie, Sky, Pacster, Cylindrical, Spinal, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Geno, Mallow, Isabella, Polly, Alivn, Oliver, Jake, Kaylen, Willow And Wendy, Yumi, Xander, Felix, Gregory, Bobby, Daniel, Vivian, Toadette, Baby Peach, Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina, Mickey mouse, Donald duck, Minnie Mouse, Tom, Jerry, Kirby And Susie
Rivals: Smithy Gang
Likes: Helping People, Her friends, Watching TV, Pac man, Geno, Mallow And Playing
Dislikes: Her Friends being hurt, Loud Noises, Smithy Gang And Ghosts chasing pac man