9 months ago

guess who, last night, watched the new bfdia 7 and iii15 [i think tht was the episode number] with their mother, on the family tv,, yuh,, its me

(spoilers in article, also me crying..)

bfdia7 review: very silly, love the way the challenges keep showing up for their exact need.. totally didnt whisper towards the screen in that one scene with TB and GB, "kiss already" (oh and my mom realized her iq is not big enough to understand/enjoy there cartoons lmao,,,)

iii15 review: whole episode was about blueberry, who also rejoins by doing an amazingly thought evil scheme... so un hes a villan now ig.. "TOP TEN MORE REASONS TO LOVE BLUEBERRY-", anywhoo the episode was cool, more character development and stuff, yin-yang is now at peace or whatever but wuh oh[!!] guess what[??] HES ELIMINATED,,,,, i cried and screamed so much when i saw that he was gone... my mom could never understand why i was going insane for my goobers elimination......... imma miss their bickering so much...........

soo uhh i have a feeling no ones gonna read this haha,, but i just felt like wrighting it gahh

anyway, after bursting SUCH A FAT EMOTION BUBBLE, i felt amazing teehee,, i felt reborn,,,,, so happye woag



Next up

yayyy,, i guess??

we love casting spells

mhhh thingg.. for @Flavio-animates (hes going to remake it)

hatman sees all.

some osc/fantub art i made a while back!, Live laugh love Fan


- urge to speak

@HelloWorldHappyDay said sigma..... if you think its fake youre sstupid anf uhhh a cornheaded ninny muggins..

pic of hw saying sigma in desc


#bfdi #bfdia #bfb #firey #gelatin #gijinka #fanart

uhh dis weeks art dump might start doing art posts weekly if theres nothing to interfere

1st img is next weeks leak