[ Underswap ] The Kaboom

8 months ago

As we're getting an actual theme thanks to Hk, I'm remaking the intro to make it fit and replacing some stuff, filling placeholders, etc. Yeppers



Next up

Alphys takes action thing

Look at this single celled organism Isnt he tupid

Sandro got to wash his clothes so he'll use something different from now on

This is a change we've been some time thinking on and since we're a bit silent lately, I post this lowkey thing I did this morning just to announce it a bit, anyways, chicken meow

Starlo!! :D

Hello hello again kaboomers. Today, just showing you the first test for the overworld, aswell, wanting to show the (maybe) replacement of portrait sprites (the ones that are just thehead)

Kinda based on some rpg games, and that's all, just a quick funfact

silly chara and frisk sketch

Hey new theme dropped

This is for a parmesan chase thing that will be part of the parmesan section (duh)

he got a sniper isnt that cool (idk)

[ Underswap: KABOOM ] PROGRESS REPORT - 2024 || New Year, new look 🌟

NYEH HEH HEH! (Practicing with drawing Papyrus because I don't draw him enough!)

urghghhghghgh sorry I havent been active bc

I dont even know tbh, anyways, still practicing sprites and whatsoever did this one, 1 year after V2 and V1 sprites

Proud of it ig, :bbbb

Chicken meow