in Mystman12's animation test video (Im a CGI pro) near the end you can see Bully's face
this is the best picture i got, send more accurate ones
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Pac 'N Party is a arcade game that released in 2000. In the game you used a lightgun that shoots medal coins to protect Pac-Man from the ghosts.
idk. may draw and put effort into it later
any ideas before i release?
good team or nah
i dont have anything past this besides cheat machine (jack o chica) btw
this is kinky
i love kinky
In 1982, president Ronald Reagan sent a letter to congratulate a 8-year old on getting a score of 6,131,940 in Pac-Man
This score is impossible, the highest score you can get in Pac-Man is 3,333,360.
The Pac-Man Cafe packages were named after Pac-Man World, Super Pac-Man, and Baby Pac-Man.
eshop guy
messed up on gradient fixing it later probably
The homepage on the Japanese Pac-Man website (2010) has a full game of Pac-Man built into the background.
You control Pac with your mouse cursor, and the maze resets when all dots are eaten.
cool that you can make new stuff out of old stuff
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