1 month ago

guys don't worry someone unfollowed

😭 thanks, ig



Next up

Silly faux angel that contains a copy of every memory on existence, which would be really helpful to characters with memory loss if they weren't so freaking sELFISH

Didn't realize people were still following me 🤯


Here's some doodles ig

ty (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~

Flat ghost hauntenings

(I am spiraling back down the ENA fandom again)

Hey look everyone it's your favorite guy


Here are some Sisyphean Valkyries. They have nothing to do with Sisyphus or Valkyries, so do with that what you will. I'm working on a few little short ARG things, and they'll probably make an appearance. If I ever finish the shorts. (I probably won't.)

Oh, dang people are still following me

time to post a doodle and go silent for several months again

good god their multiplying

me: "Boy I sure am enjoying my hike in the middle of a northern Texas forest I sure hope some horrifying cross between a grasshopper in a sewing machine doesn't come out of the forest to sew my limbs together!1!!!1!1!11!!"


guys the worm baby is back what do I do

I'm out of shotgun shells

Fakemon are neat

*mushroomifies your Wooper*


Also the evolution is called Sporesire

name by someone I showed the art to