4 years ago

Guys guess what I'm doing the no N key challenge on Arras.io and if your wondering does the N key in Arras.io do? well to make it simple its the no auto level up challenge (rest is in the article)

yeah so here are the rules I'm putting on it for myself (and no putting the same name as me otherwise people think I'm multi boxing when I'm not and if they think I'm multi boxing then we all would get banned from that server until the game ends and then we would have to go to a different server)

1) [the most important one for me] no pressing the N key even once during the challenge

2) allowed to farm shapes or get some unexpected kills to get to level 45+

3) at least 100k+ in score

4)[also important] try to not rage while doing the challenge

5) allowed to go back into the spawn point or flee if I have to (like if someone left me at low health)

(fun fact: I have good dodging skills when evading a booster as any smasher class as well as doing unexpected builds that actually work)

also if you want to join I'll be on 2TDM with my name "Litter"ally being The No N Key Challenge [if your on the same team as me after you spawn in you can join me on the journey of the challenge as well as the hard parts (its mostly safe in numbers [why? because if you get killed your friends can get revenge for you and you can take down hard o kill players if they are far away from their spawn point/also can do pincer movements so the enemy can't flee and will be forced to fight until they are out of health] and if you spawn on the opposite team you guys can try to stop me from getting 100k+ but also having to do the same challenge as me.

the tanks that can be used in the challenge:

any tank with an auto tower on it, basic tanks are allowed also, boosters for the scaredy cats that try dive bombing (well close enough to what actually happens)dive bombers include Smashers with high health body damage and speed and some other spotty upgrades,Boosters with high health body damage and speed (maybe even reload as the fourth maxed one to go faster) and other upgrades, Ram Annihilators (ones with no bullet damage penetration bullet health or speed but instead have high health speed [maybe? because they depend on recoil from their weapon] they may also have high reload and some shield upgrades and pretty much any tank without bullet upgrades in general are dive bombers except for tanks that can't get recoil from their weapons to boost them into enemies (Octo tanks, Cyclones anything with multiple cannons the prevent them from getting recoil (the class tree can be viewed with the T key) [why? I don't know why they made it such a random key [oh wait maybe its for the word tree in the Class Tree thing .-.] also smasher classes are allowed for dive bombs as well

Flank Guard Branch offs are allowed

Director Branch offs are also allowed to get fleeing enemies to turn around or simply surround them and attack all at once (many people say that the Overlord tank needs a Nerf I think its possibly because it can spawn all eight drones in two tries maybe thats why

Machine gun branch offs are allowed since they can get either Sprayer, Barricade,Streamliner, Auto 4,Machine gunner, and quite an amount more you can find their other class branch offs by going to world records then clicking class tree at the left they say it isn't being updated anymore but any classes on it are allowed

Twin is also allowed to get Twin Flank, Triple Twin, Triplet, any Hexa Tank branch offs, all other upgrades are allowed if you make your own build with it

Stat Upgrades and what they do:

the 1 key makes body damage increase but the regular amount of body damage is enough to tackle a square into nothingness at the max it can actually one hit K.O but it does a pretty decent amount of damage and also discourages most rammers when your with a group or people

the 2 key upgrades max health and can help you in a pinch if your in a long fight for endurance and most builds with bullet damage won't be able to one shot you at maxed out upgrades of it

the 3 key upgrades bullet speed if you want to snipe someone (it works best with Sniper branch offs but is also very effective with Sprayers and Streamliners

the 4 key upgrades bullet health meaning bullets can take more damage before disappearing from damage over load

the 5 key makes bullet penetration better and makes it so that more damage can be caused (the damage upgrade has slightly less damage up than Penetration but is still necessary for offensive builds

the 6 key was described a bit earlier but in fact it actually stacks with the Bullet penetrations damage buff which means both are needed in offensive builds

the 7 key upgrades reload although not significant the first few times but it really deserves its mentioning because it also is necessary for most offensive builds and can help a team with reload upgrades and all offensive builds turn a losing fight on its head

the 8 key upgrades movement speed it is a significant help for getting away from ramming builds and is necessary for rammers as well, and makes it so that rammers have a harder time hitting you if you go in a curved movement and they are going right for you most rammers won't even have time to turn enough to ram into you and if they are alone you can tire them out until more of your team comes to take care of them but if they have an offensive tank with them you have to also evade the bullets as much as possible and going in a straight line away from a high speed ram build isn't likely for you to escape unless its a ram annihilator then you have a chance to escape and you can lead them around in many curved shapes to make them think your to hard to kill or to trick them into thinking you have a glass tank build (which is no health and no shield upgrades but all offensive) but also a bad choice early on to go full movement speed (why? because early on you already have plenty of movement speed but if you can control it you can tease drones that people have while they don't have something to control them with [aka either the E button of holding down left click because right click repels them]

the 9 key upgrades shield regen which is important if you have a highly upgraded shield capacity which is upgraded through the 0 key the shield capacity isn't very high it can save you if you get hit by a high damage build while you have not many health upgrades though I prefer to go glass and defensive in many of my builds and I will change my build for it if it is needed so you guys want to join the challenge? type in the comments and tell me if you want to join it or want to just record a video while in the challenge also if you spin during the game if you haven't said in the comments you can join as well just beware of pincer movements if in a small group you can get easily surrounded very quickly I'll also be making a channel on this community dedicated to challenges you'd like me to do which may leave people in the server scratching their heads in a confused manner and may even shock them when they see the score with the challenge (you can even make a hybrid of two challenges)



Next up

now I'm confused on who the impostor is more than ever (sorry I just saw something about reposting it and wanted to make a joke along with it hope I didn't 'crack' anyone up to badly with the joking)

just going to repost this from another profile I found it on (this isn't meant to be very offensive but if it is then why? [also don't make me have to live through that time I got blocked just because I said them getting banned from a game was nasty])

here is the new room after I was afk for to long on the other one I'll try to not be afk for to long here (code: is SBXH)

if you don't know what I mean by them telling me those things then look at the pictures and they still keep sending me replies when I already told them I'm ignoring them so they should see that I'm not listening to them sooner or later

I changed my name in among us from a number to something with actual letters since I could finally think of a name finally after my 6th impostor game after 3 times in a row yesterday and only one crewmate game sadly :p (more in the article)

dang it the game keeps closing the rooms I've been trying to let other people join me in (new room code: KYFR) [also yes I'm lonely here :( ]

just a little pixel art I did on pixilart.com nothing to complex (yet) [my username on the site is a3random2memer in case you wanted to see a bigger version]

guess I'll repost it

just showing a server I made no big deal (also this is my first game since I just finished some practice on it and yes I put a cherry on my head)

here have a golden carrot hope they don't run off though. . . . (I just felt like making an among us oc today tell me how it is if you want to and hope I didn't offend anyone with this)