When I saw things that vaguely resembling crosses or Christian imagery in mundane situations, I just keep staring at them until they are out of sight, and then I just laugh to myself and on my mind the word "Lord, have mercy" run over and over again in my head.
Just like what in the video about the reason why people see "everywhere is sus" I posted a while ago, this is nothing new to everyone. Just like people keep spotting Jesus' face in food products, shadows, dental X-rays, clouds, dogs' butts (honestly!), etc., I seems to have a certain part of memory that recognizes Christian imagery and interpret them as something of a fetish. This is even more extreme after I found the song "Now, Until the Moment You Die", as the artwork of Sariel in some MVs of that song is certainly provoking that "religious fetish analytical" part of the memory, and due to sometimes I go to church (as a guest), this also might add a part to the recollection of Christian imagery in my mind. Seriously, whenever I see a cross or cross-shaped item or something, I just cringe and keep laughing to myself, while some Latin prayer words keep running inside my head.
To sum up, I bet that if you guys have the same experience, just assume that your brain taps into the part that receives perception about religious imagery. Maybe some of you guys just ignore and turn away from that as soon you notice what it looks like, but some of you just fixate to it until you are out of sight from it (like me). Even though you are an atheist at birth or a convert to atheism, you still might have the perception for religious imagery in your thoughts (like me).