4 months ago

Guys I have an idea lets make a furby cult where we set out pfp to furbys and stuff



Next up

Im thinking about doing art commissions for steam games cuz I dont have paypal but I need to finish every other drawing im working on first


A strawpage is a website of which you can make your own, like, little website pages and stuff, where you can make secret messages or like list your music and socials, or just do whatever, https://straw.page/draw you can do one here

Stupid ass time I wanna play yakuza let me back onto the good pc when the wifi isnt block

My strawpage just got the biggest update yet

Thats right, I turned it green

Go check it out



Oh its in a ya wishlist now

I have big plans for big things that I will probably not do, bigly, but I sure hope I do!

Okay now I seriously dont actually remember making this draft what is this shit what was i on