2 days ago

Hah hah... This is funny...

It's funny because some of my parents except three of them, are oblivious to my pin and suffering... But yet, I'm not oblivious to theirs, it's really fucking funny right, haha, idk what to do anymore, maybe... Maybe I have annoyed them... Maybe I'm not a good son... Maybe they do know... And I'm just annoying them... Hehehaha... Why is my life hell...



Next up

Y'know what fuck the poll

I'm going with this beautiful abomination

How I feel after @URFAVBITCH_R1NN left... 😊

Thx @_milezz_ !!!!!

Ilysfm mom/dad!!!

@3xp1r3ddynwk0 here ya go mom!

Also I made the second one for fun lol

Dw I'm just thinking, just thoughts, nothing much

...This is what happened earlier... But dw I'm feeling a little better

I'm fine... And dw I'm fine...

First image isn't mine

Do you think this edit is good, I wanted to test on what I can do for a edit exchange w/ @_r4inb0w_l3x1_ , of course this isn't what I'm giving them, as this is my oc lol

@-Lovebug- ...

(She is my mom btw)