Hatsune Miku's Magic Festival

3 months ago

hai I'm still working on this game I promise πŸ™ I've been working on it the past couple days actually.

in fact, I was going to save this for the devlog but since we reached 50 followers, I'll post it now! this is the design I've settled on miku for now. ^^

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haven't worked on coding much in a couple days bc Tired but I still have a lot to do in terms of designing! here's a look at len and rin's potential designs- are you spotting a theme, yet?

he's here

(design not final. I just still had the sketch and wanted smth to throw in as placeholder)

I was commissioned to do the album art for the just released song "Playtime's Not Over Yet" by @hysteridungeon ! this was a BLAST to work on and the song came out fantastic too :D

it's kinda crazy to me that this page already has 20 followers after only a few days of being up. ya it's not really a lot but for someone who hasn't used gamejolt it's wild, lol. here's some more len progress! just need to get the doors working now.


(the music in the background is just my playlist)

adhd is a pain sometimes bc I get easily distracted by new project ideas :')

anyways on a completely and entirely unrelated note here's a test animation for bonnie I did a while back lol

Milanote board!

I've gotten a decent amount done today (by my standards at least) :3

sorry for the infrequent posts. I'm just trying to save some stuff for the next devlog ^^ (not sure when that'll be out.)

have a funny bug I ran into last night lol (it's fixed now dw)

office draft πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ emphasis on draft. I'm still figuring stuff out.

woe len be upon ye