1 year ago

Hank j wimbleton character "bio" for the end roleplay UPDATED!

-A psychopathic mercenary gunman on a take-no-prisoners mission to wipe out an all-powerful Agency...one which maintains a stranglehold on Nevada with its seemingly unlimited supply of loyal and disposable soldiers. Hank is the primary anti-hero of the series "madness combat".

Personality: Hank is shown to care for little besides fighting and killing, and appears to take a nearly animalistic pleasure from the thrill and brutality of combat. As early as the first episode he's willing to beat people to death over a boombox, before casually dancing as text flashes stating that he “had a good time” killing the antagonists in the episode. Hank is rarely fazed by anything, be it supernatural foes appearing or being grievously wounded, and focuses his attention on killing his next target. Hank rarely shows pain no matter how battered he becomes; this is shown in Madness Combat 5 when he's impaled, only to quickly kill Tricky and pull the street sign back out of his chest. The closest Hank has ever shown to a moment of weakness was in Madness Combat 7 — Hank was willing to accept death rather than be constantly revived only to be painfully tortured to death by Tricky over and over again. He then spends most of said episode running away from Tricky, the first time we ever see him do so.

Hank also seems to have a possible tiny tinge of mercy, as in Madness Combat 2: Redeemer he spares a grunt’s life by knocking him out instead of shooting him when he gave him information on the Sheriff’s location, though other reasons could explain this such as conserving ammunition. However, given the series’ fine line between what counts as unconscious and what counts as a kill when it comes to blunt weapons and hand to hand, this could’ve been intended as a kill, and given Hank’s total lack of mercy for anyone throughout the entire rest of the canon series this is very likely. If this was an act of mercy and he did simply knock the grunt out, it was a one off event and after the events of Redeemer any ounce of mercy or humanity that Hank had left was gone.

However, despite all of this he has displayed some empathy towards Sanford, saving him twice. This suggests that Hank, at the very least, cares for his allies.

Powers / abilities / fears: While Hank's powers and abilities changed from episode to episode, they were nearly always the same. Hank is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, capable of murdering dozens of enemies in close combat either using melee weapons or his bare hands, both with great dexterity, even if they are using firearms, and a third of the time seems to have some kind of sixth sense to detect incoming threats, although this may just be from experience and/or luck. One of his more notorious skills is his marksmanship, which is best seen in Madness Combat 5: Depredation where he uses bullet-time to shoot at a group of zombie agents in less than a few seconds while jumping. He also exhibits incredible agility by jumping several meters in the air and performing flips and dodges with ease, all of this during a fight with multiple opponents. His reflexes are quick enough to allow him to dodge or even deflect bullets and melee attacks with ease. He is apparently able to see (or at least detect, by sound or some other method) enemies and projectiles behind him, shown when he fires a gun or swings a weapon behind him. Hank has shown exceptional strength in most episodes, especially in Madness Combat 6: Antipathy, where he easily ripped an agent's head from his body, and accurately fired a P90 fully automatically and a large battle axe with just one hand each and in Madness Combat 7: Consternation, he tore out the heart of a grunt and ripped off pieces of flesh from another grunt's body. Krinkels also stated he is physically stronger than a G03LM

Hank has also shown to be pretty resistant to damage and pain; he has been seen resisting great hits like in Madness Combat 7 when he was clubbed a far distance by Mag Agent: Torture, or taking hits from Tricky in his demon form and when he throws him through a wall 2 times and burns him with his hand. Also, his fighting skills are almost never affected, even after being mutilated or next to fatally injured, as seen in Madness Combat 4: Apotheosis when he slices the head of a zombified 1337 agent in half with ease after being shot in the neck with a G36. Falling from large buildings or clubbed to walls does little to no damage to him and notaffect his fightning capabilities as shown in Madness Combat 3: Avenger and Madness Combat 9.5.

Overall hank is a fast thinking brutal killing machein...although he isnt the most trust worthy of people in the apocalyptic world of the end. ..

UPDATE:afther meeting HV also known as computer and engineer.. hank was sent to one of computers sentinel Camps...sometime later they found hanks okd comrade sanford hideing he was about to attack hank untill he realised that it was hank..then afther a run in with the menace who managed to set hank on fire untill sanford helped hank... the trio had a little argument which duevto poor choices resulted in sanfords death.. afther that hank was done.. he had enough he fought agenist the sentinels but it looked like his end... untill the menace showed up and...helped hank? HV Set the other one on slef destruction and while habk escaped the menace Took the blast.. injured but still alive hank offered the menace a hand.. which while he refused he did find kind... then hank saw sanfords meat hook and decideung to take it with him in memorie of sanford (rip @JustanotherKirbyFan )


Hank currently has a rifle a knife and sanfords meat hook.. he lost his pistol cause he gave it to sanford and it was seemingly destroyed im the explosion



Next up

What do you think he sounds like

Meta knight wakes up in gensokyo. How do you think he would impact gensokyo and vice versa? How do you think he would get along with the inhabitants of gensokyo? What do you think would happen?

I hadn't posted anything for months, so here I leave you this Sanford!!

#madnesscombat #sanford

Helldivers 2 atomatons in a nutshell

Hank likes halloween

@JustanotherKirbyFan YOU HAVE OPEND MY EYES

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Yo followers or random people passing by. Give me some poses and i'll try to put my reimu figma into them. Pls send me a refrence of the pose you want me to recreate. Otherwise i wont do it