8 days ago

Happ Birtdae @FazieFunbear !

Here's an edit I made, showing I would work at Percy's Playhouse

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I am now a happy she/her, even if I AM a femboy. Requests will be finished later, and should be started around 4:30-5:00 pm EST

This could be us

You know how I'd never say I'd tell people to kill themselves again? I even tried to see if I could help him out, but you know...

Wait, Kaskade had a sister!?

Good, crawl back to that shithole you came from. NOBODY talks shit about my lovers

Tell me I can tell him to kill himself. PLEASE let me say it.

To @DHsllp23-10h for sending dick pics and being offensive to my boyfriend


A light of hope has reached out.

It fills you with... hope. And happiness.

I have snapped out of it. I have recovered. I refuse to be held down that easily by depression.

No... you can't be serious