a Week with Javier (Official)
3 years ago

Happy 1st Anniversary of A Week With Javier!!! 🎉🎉🎉 (03.21.2021)

(Read Article)

Henlo Guys, im the Creator of A Week With Javier and I've come to make an Announcement

First of all is that A Week With Javier is now 1 year old after it's release so i don't even know how to celebrate it on A Week With Javier Discord Server but i have some things to celebrate it

A Week With Javier: Remake is almost done, of course i will not say when the game is out because i need time to finish it so yeah, this one is harder than the original game and i feel so proud of it because of uh 12 Characters, New Mechanics, Readded Scrapped Things and That, Game Art is already done, Atleast but Endless Mode is the only Thing to Finish Coding A Week With Javier: Remake and the Voice Acting but i didn't got contact to the Original Phone Guy Voice Actor so if you wanna help with Phone Guy Voice Acting Contact me on Discord: (Voice Actor Found)



-Have Discord

-Being +13 Years Old

By The Way, A Week With Javier 2 Game Page is kinda Dead Because Development is Slow Because Voice Acting is still being Developed so wanna Know Something?

Trailer 2 is being Worked Right Now

Yep, as you heard it's being developed Right Now, FNAF_pierro already Finished his work on A Week With Javier 2 Trailer 2 Development so Olivianball and i are still working on it, Atleast it will be better Than The 1st Trailer so yeah, Also to Celebrate A Week With Javier 1st Anniversary we Could do Something Great


A Week With Javier 2 Fanart Contest

Yep, we will make that while A Week With Javier 2 Voice Acting is Still Being Developed so We Can do That Because why not,

Fanart Contest will Start After Trailer 2 Release and it will End 10 Days After Trailer 2 Release to give Time to every Artist to Do Their Own Fanarts of AWwJ 2, The Best Ones will be in The Game (AWwJ 2)



Next up

Art Progress: 90%

Coding Progress: 78%

Decided to join xd

Slow Down Bro.

"guys look what i found on an old abandoned website, a cancelled NINTENDO DS game!"

(read article before commenting)

If you wondered how the Buggy Minigame will be here a leak

Yeah its a game I'll make a GamePage sometime soon idk


Happy Birthday to @RaveDan


4 Night(the guy on right is my friend I'm chattin in Discord)

What's happening with him?