3 days ago

Happy 4th of July!

Jr. Is now tied to a rocket again, is he gonna go to space?




Next up

Here, have a reeeeallly boring exe oc thingy redraw drawing,,,,

Hav gooood day1

"You are a winner"

One little drawing of Pirate Carrots.

And also a "board of how many males and females are in FNaBFF" thingy.

2024 Post

I drew Anna (My oc) but she is seeing the beatiful moon and her eyes and red eyebrows glow ~ ✨

These drawings aslo became my favorite today ~

Hey, don't mind me, just posting some irl art! (Ain't gonna lie, most of them are kinda old, except the last one it's "recent")

The Cloooooowwwnnn

(Drawing I finished yesterday)

#Art #Digitalart #Oc #Originalcharacter

Ehh, not my personal best, could've been better.

Anyways these 2, yes two.

I'll do the 3rd one later, there was a bit of a tie, between 2 characters sooo

2 thingy doodles

decided to try out a new artstyle a few days ago

ft. @Highcell & @__vivi


Sonic 3 & Knuckles is my favorite sonic game honestly

probably because I really love replaying the crap out of this game and speeding through all the levels

especially Flying Battery.

But it's also a very good game overall!