4 months ago

Happy 500 followers, me!

In celebration, here's me killing the Spider Mastermind with a black hole in the Doom mod: Project Brutality

Foul language warning (from Doomguy, not me)

Well I guess technically I MADE him say that, but it was funny >:P

seriously though, if you own classic Doom on PC I'd highly recommend playing this, it's stupid fun!



Next up

This is a comic about deer and screaming

Ok, tonight is the last night I'm procrastinating


I'll work on the movie tomorrow night and allll the weekend.



(Featuring Professor Graceline by @en-en )

Nay Shayer

Billy's bathroom is based on our bathroom irl.

What? You're a professional baker!


I don't really have the "spark" to work on the movie tonight. I'm deeply sorry.

I could have just not told you, but I feel my audience deserves the truth.

Again, my apologies. Let's hope tomorrow night is more productive!

We're not sure what [REDACTED] are up to.

This communication leaked from [REDACTED].

It was heavily altered, but I'm sure it will be of much use to you, [REDACTED]. Burn this when you finish reading.

(Just to clarify, the "BNJR" part in the teaser is a joke referring to the fact PPT won't get made until after the BNJR Movie.

I don't want anyone thinking BNJR and PPT are related to each other. They are 100% separate )