Knuckles' Sandwich Diner

2 months ago

Happy birthday KSD demo

In terms of major stuff for the main game, its primarily updated sprites and bug fixes, but I have done a tiny bit more progress on the special night: Here's Omochao!



Next up

minor progress update and also a few things to mention about the full game

2 years later.....

ok the demo should available for people to download now, I forgot to set the game page to early release

It's been a while since I brought a knuckles sandwich diner fanart

i made this knuckles fanart

hope you like

Updated ksd teasers

If swap mario meet swap peach of nightfall at mario's x sundown at peach's for @CwoodsWDCchannel and @SmilerFurcifer

Hi guys,

I don't have anything planned for april fools for ksd this year.

In the mean time here's a ksd image that was gonna be used in the now cancelled fnas direct from a while ago

Drink your milks

Both Fnas inspired fan games, only one person working on it, and took 2 years to develop the demo, they are so alike

Knuckle's Sandwich Diner Demo by @CwoodsWDCchannel

Demo link V

BKAD Demo on my Games tab, go play both pls

behold! the oldest ksd build