In the Dormant Insanity
8 months ago

Happy eight birthday Insanity! :D

That. Is. Right. It's now the eighth birthday of the original Insanity. As someone who was somewhat interested in the game around its original release, this feels very very weird. But anyways, I originally planned to make a bigger update for this day, but I frankly didn't feel like it for several reasons, and I have better things to work on now. I still decided to update the game though. Version 1.1.0 is here, mainly optimizing the game, but also changing few other things and adding a new easter egg on the menu. If you have enough progress in the game, click around and you'll find it. It may or may not be a teaser for [REDACTED].

Soooooo I guess the patch notes:

-Optimized the game (it's not perfect still, too late for that)

-Hallucinations will now disappear faster

-Added a secret on the main menu

-Made the "Long Nights" CN challenge shorter (it making the night so long was a mistake)

-Changed the honking noise :D

Also to anybody who got confused on how to access the secret nights. You can get to them by typing 1983 or 2017 in the top row of the custom night. I really should have made them more obvious, or at least the first one since I spent a long time on it.




Next up

Dormant Insanity's 5 facts

happy birthday to dormitabis' page being created :DDD

i will never accept blind hatred

My computer broke because of something extremely stupid like right before I was gonna export a beta build for my next project

me when i go into fullscreen but the taskbar doesnt disappear

windows 11 makes me want to kill myself as much as i predicted it would (if not more)

page reveal soon, i just need to finish the description, thumbnail, and banner

for anyone still playing this game, here are the important tips for each night (no night 4 or 5) in chronological order, i know they disappear way to fast

the fact i didnt fix it is embarrassing

my favourite part about working on this game was opening Camera 10 model and seeing this every time

Crypt of the Necrodancer: AMPLIFIED OST