Jamie's: Phase 1

5 months ago

Happy Feb 14 everyone! Thanks for the support the game has recieved lately. Now, some fairly bad news....

Basically, this game is suffering pretty much the same as Back Tonight 2, and its my lost of motivation for the game. After my account was taken down, I started it over on another account. Later, @Malikailynchmahoney2009 revealed that he saved the code of the game, and tbh I highly prefer the remodels I made that are the ones you see in the previous image and on the game's page. Besides @Malikailynchmahoney2009 hasn't shared with me the saved code, so I need to wait for him to give it. But again, the main reason is the lost of motivation. Mainly cuz I don't think @lea_exists cares about this project anymore. Maybe I get back this motivation I need to make awesome projects I am an expert doing. Im also srry for all the delays that happened because of the development of other games and the take down of accounts. But I swear ill do my best, thank you.




Next up

Bro tried to cancel @foxyplushh for he's little dark humor!


Such a clown .



GJ Port comming soon

Is it me, or this game used to have more support on its initial phase? I mean, look how trash it used to look.

Here side by side compare. You can see the quality difference very clearly.

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

Check this out!

New Thumbnail!

Fun Fact:

Gartic Phone gone wrong


Thanks for the 50 followers!

We would like to present Frances, the axoloth!

She will have an important rule to the story and the gameplay of this game!

Okay, the office is done. Now I have to code the characters, add the Mask mechanic, add the restart panel, Cam panel, and the AI. This is the point where I need my little dev team: