Sadly I don't have a piece for today, because honestly I've been feeling pretty bad mentally across this month (especially in the latter half), its not because of the other site changes, but more so personal issues, and trying to keep up with it all is very hard
Even then, if this month was mentally exhausting for me, since early last year I've made lots of progress on an important life thing for me, so for November I'll be focusing on highlighting parts of it through my art
I want to thank my friends for sticking with me despite it all, y'all have made big (positive) changes in my life, and I couldn't be more grateful for it. Also, thank you for sticking around with my silly art, doesn't matter if it was years ago or just now, thank you, thank you so much.
oh yeah btw silly animals will still happen this doesnt means that they're stopping lololol
-AnubiArts, where arts uhmm uhhh mmhmm darts