Iron's Pizza Funhouse (Classic Collection)

4 years ago

Happy Halloween Jack-O-Iron is Here to Wish you that



Next up

So bad news the Surprise today will be delayed to around 5 PM EST. AKA 3 Hours from now sense I'm out of town seeing family and won't be back till 5 PM for me sorry bout that but to keep you all entertained here's a Public Teaser one of the Devs made.

Damn these Graphics are super realistic Sonic Info by @cOo_hOo1

Hm Iron and Jazz Iron What's up

Something looks off? Nah I think I'm seeing things.

Hm who is here on this fine day

I'm leaving this for you all to read but we had to make this announcement due to some people annoying me and the team.

So I'm working my best to make Update 1.1.0 and we got some progress done I'll explain Jazz Iron: Well he is ready both his minigame & main game. Ghost Sprie: His minigame is done but still working on him in main game. Irish Springy: Still being worked.

Finally after 8 Hours of non stop working and getting this fixed. It's here. The Five Nights at Sonic's Lost Bits Demo 1 Had to upload it to Mediafire sense my Gamejolt is being Buggy as hell. Also enjoy 2 new surprises.…

Real Leak art by @cOo_hOo1

IT'S HERE BOIS Merry Christmas everyone