2025 is going to be a long year. Hopefully Warehouse Watch will be done by the end of it. Im already around a quarter through development. Laying the foundations so they can be easily morphed any which way. Its honestly tiring but If I stay on course the game will be done sooner than if I didn't.
With all that said, Go enjoy the new year. I know I probably won't lol.
Next up
why am i focusing more on a commercial than the actual game
The Old Restaurant
My gpu just died. I just backed up all of my important files and I’m sending it off to get repaired soon, so don’t expect any work at all for the next bit.
since I don't have a gpu, I've just been busy messing around in studio (Possible myth game but basically just an idea so far)
Try to
warehouse watch is at 99 followers
Heres a good image
Happy Holidays!