Dream Tear - Elementar Rising 2 - Atom Maker
6 years ago

Happy new years guys, thanks for the support and bug fixes.

Hey guys, first off, thank you all for your support of the game so far! It’s done a lot better than expected and learning a ton about how exporting RGSS3 to other platforms, can just cause things to blow up. While the game is complete, apparently bugs are like no it ain’t.

Thanks to players, you guys are really hammering out little bits and pieces the exporter just didn’t catch. Hopefully the latest patch I have out, fixes most issues, but I guess in the future, I might as well just give out almost the entire game with resources and such if this is a constant issue. Or just go back to clickteam fusion and some other engines for things.

Just thought I’d put word out though, I’m aware of the issues flowing to the surface on things, but yeah hope this latest patch just puts the nail in the coffin on most of those bugs popping out. Though there are more entries planned for this series, at least this is teaching me how to combat all the madness for later lol. Anyways, thanks again for your support everyone,

  • Latest patch fixes issues with shadow script bug.



Next up

DTER2 - Coming soon this month - Floating Ruin Area look

Hey guys, on the eve of a new release, I came across an old manga episode I had made of DT2 which followed the start up to a boss. Thought I'd toss this out to help with the wait. Always epic looking back.

A tune from YL2, named Ink Storm. If there's any other take away from this series is it's music lol. Can't wait for you all to hear where it plays!

Might be moving Yandere Limit 1 to smile game builder, the same engine Yadere Limit SO is being made in. I'll keep you all posted, but so far it's all running REALLY smoothly. #yandere #yanderelimit #horror #smilegamebuilder

We've got some great inside and story work, going here.

Here's a look at the updated comic page and UI coming to things. I might have to make a new project page featuring all the changes and updates, but guess I'll see as I go. Thanks for all your support!

Art by TheZodiacKirby


No more fixes for DTER2 patches etc.

Here's a teaser image displaying a mysterious character, who it is though will be revealed in the new update later! Guess this version really will have a lot more coming to the table.

An updated shot of the battle scene found in the Alpha. Things will be looking better the next update!

A look at night 2, more importantly, how to maneuver around it. Gotta keep those lights on. #horror #yanderelimit #sleepover