17 days ago

happy pride month :D

i didnt have anything prepared for this because i never do so uhhh

take this tutrle



Next up

mikerplier and tin play five weekends at fredricks

How 2 Draw Tin

this is a tin tutorial

idea based off a comment i saw from one of my posts but these are just a test for it

im tired so gn


this is related to my next post (animation)

Oh yes, I almost forgot the beta is public, but I want to clarify that the copyrighted soundtracks will be corrected and the art completed :]

art style improvement!!!111!1!1

happeh birthdeh to my sis :D

i let her design herself in the tin universe (she said shes always cold, relatable)

remember when i used to make art on here a lot?

good times

unfortunately idk wut to draw anymore :C

also im considering being sunky again, thoughts?

everyone has been doxxed with this single picture