Hello my friends it is I D-man
So today is my spawn day, I want to just say Thank You all for this wonderful it always made my day I can't thank you enough for your support and you all made me love this place more and more, over there years I have made many promises some fulfilled but others not I want to fix that this year any projects that I promised last year or this year will be fulfilled before June, and these projects will not disappoint you (for some of you)
-<The Projects>-
Ide comics Issue 1
The Silver Reaper
Ratty's Aftermath
Star war lego show ( Rogue Troopers )
Hot-wheel Show ( Hot-wheel Mayhem )
and last but not least The Joyful Toast Instructional Tapes
And also a new comic series called ( A battle of the warriors ) I might change the name.
I it sound a lot of projects but they will all be finished by this year.
During this one year I got 379 followers thank you for that as well :)
So whats next for me ?
I will still continue with my art and make more comics to give a story that I have been making for the past years, I also want to improve on my behavior around people as I have made stupid mistakes which have or might have garnered some bad reputation around my spin, which has lead me to get blocked by many people and even one community.
-> Many time I have been blocked
4 people
-> Un-blocked
2 people
and 1 got banned him self but never got un blocked
I want to fix the old mistakes I have created and improve myself as a person so these mistakes never happen again
Top Likers on my account
you two are the top most likers in my account and I want to thank you for your support it means I lot to me and I want to give you my share of the cut, thank you.
And to all my friends through out this journey how have helped me, made me a good person, and have inspired me of who I am
Thank you, and now I'll see you later Bye Bye !